How am I to gain knowledge, comprehension and memories if I don't go out and experience the world? Nothing is richer than the experiences that makes you think twice about yourself, open your eyes for the outside world and makes you create a desire to maybe even make a change.
Here I am writing this, many thousand miles away from my home, at the age of 17 have already started my adventure to broaden my horizons. I am not even at common ground, but still I am longing to explore on another continent I yet haven't been to. The emotions caused by the thoughts of travelling are so strong that in my day dreams I grow wings and fly wherever I want.
The world is so beautiful, yet secretive. The perks of being young with the world at your feet is that you have the chance to make it your own. Don' let the world in its whole be something distant and incomprehensible when you have the opportunity to make it your existence's greates gift.
No continent is worth unexplored. No country is worth unvisited. No language is worth unspoken. No sea is worth untouched. No mountain is worth unclimbed. No food is worth uneaten. No music is worth unheard. No memory is worth uncreated.
The fear of trading your warm and safe home with the distanced and unknown is a risk worth taking. Yes, the world you not know of may seem frightening and big. However, nothing, absolutely nothing, can compare to what the world gives you back if you do take that chance. I have realized that I unwillingly will not be a part of the group of "I wished I did that when I had the chance" kind of people. You see, chances to gain life changing experiences does not grow on tress in your backyard. No, they come ever so often in the disguise of a tangly feeling spreading through every inch of your body, telling you it's time to let go. Spread your wings and let them lead you wherever that may be.